Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Ant and the Grasshopper

During Summer, Grasshopper was having fun
When he spied Ant toiling under the sun
"Hey Ant," he said, "Please come and play."
But Ant said, "No, I must work today."
"I'm storing food if Winter came,
I recommend you do the same."
But Grasshopper only had this comment,
"There is heaps of food at present."
Winter comes and food is nought
Dying is he, a lesson taught.
He sees Ant and his food-full store
And he wished that he had listened more.

'It is best to prepare for the days of necessity'

This was the fable I ever read in my life though I didn't know it at the time. I thought it was a story about a grasshopper and an ant. Then you learn the lesson it teaches you as you grow up. This fable can apply to many aspects of life. Back when it was written, it probably was important to stock up food but now it applies more to money. Especially with the state of the world economy, it is important to save up some money so there is some reserve when the time of need comes.

Copyright ©Zenmoda 2010, Aesop In Verse - Classic Aesop's Fables Retold

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