Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Wolf and the Goat

A Wolf seeking out food as he sniffed
Saw Goat eating grass on a cliff.
Too high to reach so he found
He needed for Goat to come down.

Using a voice that was friendly
Said, "Being so high can be deadly"
"Please come down before you get hurt"
The grass tastes much better on earth."

But Goat knew too well of Wolf's lie
"To eat me is what you will try"
"You don't care if I'm hurt or I'm not"
"Or the grass to eat that I've got"

'Beware of a friend with an ulterior motive'
'Beware of friendly advice from an enemy'
This can be a hard one because who can know whether a friend has an ulterior motive or not. Most of the time you just learn from the experience but until someone's trust has been betrayed, you would never know if someone is trustworthy or not. You often here about someone doing something before as your basis of how you would judge them. The worse kind is falling into the same trap someone else has before either due to ignorance or in believing that their nature can change. But if the person ends up becoming your enemy, at least you won't be having that problem again soon.

Copyright ©Zenmoda 2010, Aesop In Verse - Classic Aesop's Fables Retold

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