Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Lion and the Mouse

Once when Lion was asleep, a little Mouse ran upon him.
This soon awakened Lion who held him with his paw.
"Watch where you are going, You woke me" Lion told him.
"A tasty morsel you will make," as he opened up his jaw.

"Pardon me, O King, forgive me please," cried Mouse trembling with fear.
"Who knows, maybe I can return the favour back to you some day."
A mouse help him and Lion laughed at the thought of this idea.
But he lifted up his paw and sent the Mouse away.

Some time later, in a trap by hunters, poor Lion was caught.
Along came Mouse who heard the roars and gnawed right through the rope.
Lion apologised to Mouse, "Sorry, being small is useless was my thought."
Mouse replied, "That small friends can do great deeds can be proven was my hope"

'No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted'
'Little friends may prove great friends'

I am not the type to prejudge but many times I have looked at someone and have wondered how they are able to help me. I use to work in an industry that requires the backup of the person behind you. I remember there use to be one guy who was quite small. At first you think this person is not going to make a difference and I will probably be looking out for him more than he is for me. However, i was proven wrong on a few occasions. He stood his ground and has been good backup in many situations.

Copyright ©Zenmoda 2010, Aesop In Verse - Classic Aesop's Fables Retold

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