Monday, September 13, 2010

The Raven and the Swan

One day a Raven saw a Swan
Its beauty he admired
The same magnificent plumage
Became his new desire

He supposed the slendid white arose
From washing in the lake
So chose to leave the neighbourhood
And the pools he went to take

But trying to cleanse his feathers
A hard task to have pursued
He could not change their colour
And died from lack of food

'Change of habit cannot alter Nature'

The Raven should have opted for plastic surgery or a chemical bleach. That's the go these days. Everyone's trying hard to change their appearance. Asians are dying their black hair to ther colours and caucasians dying their hair to black. Kind of strange to me but I guess I understand it, I went through that phase myself. However, even if you change the colour of the raven, it's still a raven and not a swan.

Copyright ©Zenmoda 2010, Aesop In Verse - Classic Fables Retold

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